An animated image showing the face of Rahul V. Shekar.

I'm Rahul,

Rahul V. Shekar - A driven 4th year BE CSE student, eager to contribute to the team's success through hard work, attention to detail, and excellent communication skills. Motivated to learn, grow, and thrive in the organisation.

- BE Computer Science and Engineering, 4th year - SJCE, Mysuru.
- Check out my iOS App that can detect currency note denomination using on-device Machine Learning - Note-Fy on GitHub.
Written in Swift programming language.
Trained a currency denomination classification model from scratch by collecting my own training data with over 1000 data-points.
Used image augmentation techniques to increase the size of the traning data to over 6000 images. (crop, rotate, exposure).
- Great communication skills and driven to achieve and learn new things in life.


- Working knowledge in C, C++, Swift, Javascript, Python.
- Basic working knowledge in using Machine Learning frameworks like CoreML, CreateML, and Tensorflow.
- Basic knowledge in integrating Google's Firebase Realtime Database.
- Working knowledge on using Git for code versioning control and management.



Note-Fy is an iOS app that uses an on-device Machine Learning model to detect currency notes of different denominations. The model was trained by collecting over a 1000 datapoints (photos of currency notes in different conditions). Image augmentation techniques such as random crop, random exposure, and random rotation were used to increase the size of the dataset. The app was built on Xcode using the Swift programming language. I employed the MVVM design pattern to seggregate the responsibilities in the app codebase.
Check out Note-Fy on GitHub.

An GIF showing the demo of the Note-Fy app in action

This Website

This website was made using pure HTML and CSS. The design was inspired by GitHub's markdown CSS. The website uses CSS media queries to support dark and light modes with different color themes. It uses media queries to also adjust for various screen sizes and be responsive. The website is packaged and deployed to be hosted on, a CLI tool to host static websites. CloudFlare CDN is used to deliver the contents of the website and to provide an SSL certificate to serve the site over https.

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